Oregon - Sand on the Beach, Under our Boards, In Our...

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First our daughter discusses Oregon and her cynophobia:

Today I'm blogging about Oregon. Oregon was the best state of all because we went zip lining and sand boarding. We went to a zip lining place called Tree to Tree. They had two rather large dogs, and I was scared of big dogs until then. We walked up to the spot where we check in, and I saw the two dogs. At first I was scared, but then I petted them and realized how cute they were. That's how I overcame my fear of dogs. The zip lining was REALLY fun. It was the most awesome thing I've ever done along with sand boarding. Sand boarding was great because it was fun to do something new. I got the hang of it my very first try. I was scared at first, but after I went down I wanted to go again.

We went to a beachside restaurant called Mo's with my brother's and my former Sunday school teacher. Mo's was my favorite restaurant in Oregon because I enjoyed looking at the beach, and it was kind of cool getting your grilled cheese on a Frisbee. My favorite memory was playing at the beach which was freezing cold water. If you’re wondering what my animal was, it was a slug because we couldn't find any zoos or aquariums in Oregon. That's all I have to say about Oregon. Bye.
- the daughter

Followed by our now officially TEENAGE son:

Hi, everybody, DD here. It's time for my Oregon blog.

What were the major events in the state? 
In Oregon we did many fun things like zip lining. We also went sand boarding at Sand Master Park. The Organ Donor people in Oregon were very good too.

What did you enjoy the most about this state: 
I enjoyed zip lining the most. It wasn't just zip lining though. They also had a jungle gym of sorts up in the trees. I loved the drainage tube you had to crawl through to the next tree. My favorite was definitely the zip lining though.

What was your favorite food or restaurant? 
I LOVED the salt water taffy at Bruce's Candy Kitchen. I had never had taffy until then, but I love it now. They had so many different flavors. My favorite was banana.

What was your favorite memory? 
I still remember the beach we went to in Cannon Beach. Its waves definitely beat California's waves. They were so big that the moon got a little wet. They also weren't as cold as CA's.

Please write about the zoo/mini golf: 
In Oregon we did two mini golf courses. The first one we didn't count because they didn't use real golf balls. The second was next to a real golf course. It was fun because it took skill rather than getting a ball through a loop. Over all I give it a four out of five stars.

Please tell one story from the state: 
When we went zip lining at Tree to Tree Adventure Park, they had this training course we had to do first. It was maybe three feet off the ground. Our training instructor told us several things about zip lining. One of which was if you put your hand in front of the pulley, you will feel pain. I went first on the zip line with no problem. Chloe took five minutes (scared to ruin her hand) then went. Mom went with no problem. After that, we spent three hours zipping, climbing, and crawling.

This is DD signing off.
-the son

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