I’ve found you never really know when you’ll experience one of those “last moments” with your child. Typically, they suddenly just stop. For instance, you never really know the last night that you’ll read them a good night story. One day they decide to read it on their own or listen to music instead. All of the sudden, you’re out of your bedtime story job.
Of course, they’re not all sad, the last time you change their diaper or get up in the middle of the night with a crying infant is something to be cheered!
We had a last moment recently. Our daughter’s grandpa custom-built her bed when she was 2. It is a loft bed with a playhouse underneath - and it is awesome! From the end, it looks like a house, with peaks like a roof, window shutters, and even a birdhouse. The Grandpa even put a light switch and plug-in inside the playhouse and topped it off with a bookshelf on the loft. It really is THE bed of all beds!
Our little girl loved it. When she outgrew a playhouse, it became a barn for her horse adventures. Recently, she had all her American Girls in it; however, large playhouse beds don’t travel well for 365 days on the road. Fortunately, a good friend of hers who is very special to us bought it.
On bed moving day, the Daughter was able to go over and help her friend set-up the playhouse. (See how adorable it is in the pic!) They arranged all her friend’s American Girl stuff underneath and all her books on top. When it was decorated just right, they lay together reading Magic Tree House books. It was soooo cute!
That night, I realized we had another “last.” No longer would I crane my neck to give the Daughter a goodnight kiss through the bed railing…Now I’m just an unemployed bedtime kisser.
-The Mom (the practical one)
P.S. I’m pretty sure I won’t be unemployed long as my husband will offer me gainful employment as soon as he reads this…
P.S.S. You can help stop some "last moments" fom happening. 18 people die every day on the transplant waiting list. Be sure to register and save lives - and “last moments!”. Http://donateLife.BestPlacesInTheUSA.com
Amazingly, I was wondering about that very bed!
ReplyDeleteYes, I agree whole-heartedly that "last moments" escape before we even realize it.... sad, but true. Each ending preparing us for the next phase....those glorious "first moments" that come along to replace the endings....... As you say, Nothing can come to saving another's life with organ donation!
On a smaller yet still significant scale, you have other firsts to look forward to.... things like the first time your child drives (or wrecks)the car, goes off to college, travels to another land alone, moves away, finds true love, has children of their own, and so on and so on ....
the wonder-filled cycle begins anew.... and we are blessed.