Boring! Quite honestly, I thought Utah was going to be a boring state. What little I knew of Utah didn’t seem very exciting. Sure, they hosted a Winter Olympics in the past, but we wouldn’t be there in the winter. Of course, there’s the Great Salt Lake and the Mormon temple, but that was about it for Utah references, so I was amazed and astounded by its beauty with the mountains and the landscape in general. As an added plus, Salt Lake City was relatively easy to navigate. In fact, I just read recently that it’s one of the least stressful cities in the US, and we did enjoy a stress-free week while in Utah.
Here are some highlights from our week in Utah:
Best Meal: Kneader’s Bakery & Café. Mike had seen it from the road, researched it, and fell in love with it before we even tasted a morsel. Once we got there, I saw why. Walking in, the hours on the door said they were closed Sunday and underneath read, “Man does not live on bread alone.” Nice explanation. Inside, it was tastefully decorated in an Americana theme, but it was walking past the delectable dessert case to reach the counter that was the killer! We ordered dinner and ate and then, not surprisingly, went back for dessert, but that’s another highlight…
Worst Meal: The one at the amusement park. I don’t blame Lagoon Amusement Park in particular. They’re all outrageously overpriced fast food. I opted for ice cream for lunch. My excuse being dairy was gentler on the stomach with all those gastrointestinal churning roller coasters the kids were dragging us on.
Biggest Surprise: We were surprised and honored to be presented an award in downtown Salt Lake City from the Yes, Utah Coalition for Donor Registry.
Yes, Utah’s vehicle itself was quite surprising. It’s an older taxi with Donate Life and Yes, Utah signs embellished on it. They use it in parades and various other events. It is really an attention getter. What a great idea that the Yes, Utah folks are utilizing! We were very impressed with Alex McDonald and everyone at Intermountain Donate Life Services. Thank you for the award and your tire-less (pun intended) work for organ donation.
Worst Surprise: July 4th. On the year that we’re travelling around the entire United States, I feel the least patriotic ever! Is it simply because we haven’t hung our flag, eaten watermelon, and seen fireworks? If that’s the case, that’s really sad…a cookout and fireworks are what I associate with patriotism?!? I respect our Founding Fathers, and I fully support those serving our country, but I fear I take it all for granted.
I know freedom isn’t free, but I don’t comprehend the price, the sacrifice, the commitment because I have it too good. I don’t have a loved one serving in the military. Every day I enjoy my freedom with my family close by my side. It’s actually very similar to the reason we’re on this trip. Our desire is to increase the number of organ donors because most people don’t think about it on a daily basis. Most people take it for granted. It’s when you know someone on the waiting list, waiting for their chance at life, or when you know someone who has gotten the Gift of Life thru an organ transplant that you understand the importance and the need for everyone to sign up as organ donors. So, thank you to our military, and sign up as an organ donor. Oh, and have your cookout, too.
Biggest Twinge of Homesickness: Dessert at Kneader’s Bakery & Cafe. Chloe had gotten a star sugar cookie decorated for the 4th of July with her kid’s meal. It reminded us of the cut-out cookies we bake and decorate with my mom. Of course, Mike, Levi, and I couldn’t just watch Chloe eat her patriotic cookie, so we split a mint ganache brownie, which was essentially the mint brownie bar that we bake at Christmas time. Suddenly I missed baking – and eating – mmmh!
Biggest Revelation: I’m old. Chloe wanted to go to Lagoon Amusement Park for her 10th birthday. Amazingly enough, I saw it featured on Bert the Conqueror’s Travel channel show that very morning! Let’s be clear, we didn’t partake in the extreme ride that Bert did, but Chloe did step it up a notch or two on the level of roller coasters that she’ll go on. In fact, she surpassed Mike and me. Some of the coasters and rides were beyond my abilities. I found myself not feeling so well afterwards. (Imagine if I had eaten a greasy lunch, instead of ice cream!) I was my mom when she would take us to Great America and walk around with us and sit in the shade while we rode the rides. The light bulb went on as to why I was able to take friends to amusement parks!
Regardless of our inabilities and shortcomings, Chloe said she had the best day of her life. Any ride we weren’t able to muster up our courage (or stomachs) for, Levi stepped up to the plate for us. That’s why we have two kids after all!
Worst Closure: We had a difficult time finding a place to eat on the 4th of July since most dining establishments were closed. Of course, we were in Salt Lake City, so it was hard to tell if they were closed for the holiday or simply because it was Sunday. When it comes right down to it, I support them either way and can deal with the inconvenience.
Most Beautiful Spot: Arches National Park. It was a long drive to Arches and back in one day - about 8 hours, but being back enabled us to go to an amusement park on Chloe’s birthday. As we were driving thru a thunderstorm in a barren land, we wondered if Arches was worth the drive. Once we were there and saw the stunning sandstone sculptures, we knew we did the right thing!
Worst Tourist Spot: Antelope Island. Antelope Island is in the Great Salt Lake and is actually a state park with a beach. One of the things we wanted to do in Utah was be myth busters and test if we’d float in the salty lake. In doing research, I had read there might be a smell and bugs at the beach, but I was unprepared for the stench and the amount of bugs! The brine shrimp flies literally covered the beach area near the water’s edge, so much so, that we couldn’t even get in the water. Instead, we turned around, hiked back over the long, crusty beach, and drove around the island unsuccessfully looking for another beach or even the island’s namesake: antelope. Nothing. The island stinks - literally and figuratively. We did get some incredible pictures here, so be sure to check them out.
Worst Memory: The grocery store dinner. Occasionally, for dinner we’ll go to a grocery store and each get to pick a couple of items while adhering to a budget. This type of dinner always causes a problem for us though. I’d like it to be cheap and fairly nutritious, but my spouse enjoys the treat of a junk food dinner now and then. We end up getting frustrated, and no one is happy. Will we ever solve this dilemma? Stay tuned to future blogs to find out.
Best Memory: Watching “Tooth Fairy” in the hotel’s movie theatre. It was so cool that on Chloe’s birthday we were at a hotel that actually had a movie theatre room, and we were able to reserve it for just our family to watch a movie. We enjoyed sitting in the recliners and munching on snacks, and it was wonderful not having to worry about whether or not the volume was disturbing our neighbor…not that that would ever be a problem for us! (See WA blog)
My UT Hike: Arches National Park
What We Did Miss: Zion National Park, Bryce National Park, Glen Canyon Dam National Park, Canyonlands National Park, and Capitol Reef National Park. That’s a lot of national parks! All recommended on our community.
In Summary: Utah, you are definitely not boring! Will we return to live some day? I do enjoy reduced stress levels…
-The Mom
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