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If I were ever going to ride a bull, I would do it in Wyoming, but I never did. I'm sure if I wanted to, I wouldn't be old enough anyway. In Wyoming we did multiple fun things like a gunslinger show, Ayer's Natural Bridge, and Devil's Tower. I wasn't expecting much from Wyoming because it's one of those states that you're like, "I don't want to go to Wyoming for vacation."
I was expecting too much from Yellowstone National Park
We went to an awesome restaurant called Sagebrush. They had amazing sandwiches. They also had pasta salad. When I saw the pasta salad, I quickly ordered it because I love pasta salad.
We had some fun at a gunslinger show. It wasn't the best show, but it's fun to see new things. My funniest memory from Wyoming was funny because we missed a rodeo due to the rain.
In every state, I want to see an animal that I don't usually get to see. The animal for Wyoming was buffalo at Yellowstone National Park. The buffalo was literally two feet away from our car, and then the buffalo walked directly in front of our car. I was scared to death! He just stood there. It was so scary! Finally, he walked across the road and left.
At Devil's Tower, we climbed on a bunch of rocks. We had a bunch of fun! I would recommend going there. I saw some people rock climbing Devil's Tower, and I was jealous. I would also recommend going to Ayer's Natural Bridge. I thought it was fun because we were able to play in the little creek under the bridge. I didn't even know it that it started raining because the bridge was like an umbrella.
Some fun things in Wyoming were seeing a buffalo up close, Devil's Tower, and Ayer's Natural Bridge. Overall I'd have to say Wyoming was one of the worst states because it's hard to compete with doing fifteen fun things in one state, such as Utah. (That was exaggerated.) Now that I’m thinking about it, bull-riding sounds kind of fun.
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