The Truth about Scattergories - It's Evil

The website is almost ready...very close.  That is a truth...which brings me to why I hate Scattergories.

I'm a solutions kind of guy and believe there's an answer to every problem.  I have solutions for Health Care reform, tastier sandwiches, and even our corrupt, self-serving government.

I believe in Truth.  Not a truth for you and one for me...those are opinions, but I believe there are truths which apply to all of us whether we like it or not - and we need to stop whining about it.

When I have questions, I investigate them.  I don't trust politicians (nothing unique there, only 16% of Americans do) or scientists or even pastors without checking out what they're telling me.  Sadly, it is a world of agendas, not truth.

I've looked into climate change, the existence of God, evolution...speaking of evolution, do you know how many problems there are with that!  Good grief, it's almost a joke.  I was upset when they took away my favorite dinosaur, the Brontasaurus (apparently they had a few bones mixed up and changed it to an  Apatosaurus).  Then recently, after a lifetime of being told we descended from chimps, the scientist folks decide no, we're not descended from chimps, we just have a shared great, great grandpa.

I'm a little bitter...I had a ton of monkey/evolution jokes.  What's next, we only have eight planets?

Oh and let's just look deeper at that one - at some point billions of years ago, some soup got hit by lightning and life started.  All we really have to prove that baby is some experiment in the 50's where a guy made a couple of amino acids.  Of course, he got to use his own soup ingredients and then remove oxygen which would have been impossible.  That's not even getting into how impractical mutating into complex organisms is.  

I love a spirited debate, but be honest and forthcoming with everything and let's seek truth together, not either agenda.

But I we're playing Scattergories the other night and I come up with a genius answer.  Tropical area beginning with the letter "D".  Of course, it's got to be Dubai.  It's objected to so I take out my handy, dandy internet phone and show numerous examples of tropical Dubai.

In a vote full of emotions and other agendas, I am voted down and don't get a point for Dubai.  The Truth has been defeated and so was I.

Yeah, just a little bitter..


  1. Dubai is north of the Tropic of Cancer, the northern latitude limit of the tropical zone. The word was correctly objected to. Scattergories is not evil.

  2. This illustrates exactly why Scattergories is evil and possibly at the heart of all war and discontent across the globe. You have quite correctly given the definition of "The Tropics" which, in truth, should be the limit of where tropical is used legitimately.

    We live in a world of relativism where people may believe water or Palm trees indicate tropical. Even worse, you could be playing Scattergories with a group of people who believe tropical means "cold place" and someone wins with "Toronto". "Cute" answers can get voted for regardless of truth.

    It's possible there is a copy of Scattergories at Camp David and that is why we've had little progress in the Middle East peace process. Imagine rolling a "P" and the category being "State"? You know someone there writes down "Palestinian" and the vote gets ugly.

    For a pure and good game, I recommend Scrabble WITH a scrabble dictionary. The rules are clear and it counts if it's in the Scrabble Dictionary. No arguments. Zax and en are words. Enjoy and play in peace.
