iPhone Withdrawl

As a child, I used to have to get up, walk to the television, and change the channel.  The knobs would rotate and after a solid wrist muscle workout, you could make it to a new channel with a loud affirmative "click".  Heaven forbid you needed to travel to the other side of the dial for PBS who for some reason had channels up toward the top (#47) unlike the normal channels.

In our car, we had a little spinning compass on the dashboard that told us if we were going in the right direction.  As my dad put it, "as long as you're going in the right direction, you'll get there eventually."  This is also the man that gave me directions by saying, "Drive about ten minutes on the county road and turn left at the bottom of the hill."

"Which hill?" I inquired.

"The one with a left at the bottom."

Today, however, I am completely convinced I need an iPhone to travel around the United States.  I know this because I sent mine in for service a week ago and can't seem to handle it.   What is the point of having a phone if it only answers calls?

I blog, twitter, facebook from my phone...surf the web, read the news, listen to music, find directions, look up restauarnts, and even play solataire.  Now I have to use one of those old fashioned laptops to do most of that.

A few nights ago, I had to get out a Bible made from paper and I no longer looked brilliant going to the right chapter within seconds.  Do you know how hard it is to find the Book of Amos without your iPhone Bible.

The Apple support site just continues to ominously state:  "Product replacement pending."  as I stumble through life waiting and waiting.  We can't leave for the trip without my iPhone.

Has technology really helped us..or just made us seem a bit pathetic?

Don't answer that.  I think I will just wait patiently for my phone.  Perhaps soon there will be an App that can change channels on the TV...

- The Dad

Thanks to all the new friends helping us find the Best Places in the USA at http://helpus.bestplacesintheusa.com/ !  We'll be planning out all the great places to go...as soon as I get my phone back.

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