Lego My Secret Handshake

A few last minute opinions from the kids about the trip and life in a slowly emptying home:
"I think the trip will be really weird because I will be leaving my friends, and I won't be able to make new friends because I'll never see them again. I'll have to wait a whole year to make friends! I'll probably forget all my secret hand-shakes with my friends. I do think that the trip is going to be really fun! Bye." 

-the daughter 

"Hi Dr. Dorito here, and I'm talking about life right now. It's really weird to be sleeping on the floor, because my old bed was a loft bed. I also have no dresser. My socks and underwear are in shoes boxes, and my pants are lying on the floor (not that that is any different than normal). They don't take up much space because most of my clothes are in my suitcase.

I'm also a big Lego fan, so I own about seven Lego sets. My mom sent them to my Grandma’s though, so instead of my room being a wreck, my Grandma’s basement is a wreck. Now I only have a few things to play with. This is Dr. Dorito signing off."
-the son

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