Our house looks strange.
We are sleeping on a mattress on the floor (which, by the way, feels quite good on the back). We have tables that are missing chairs, strange blank areas on the walls, and open areas where there should be furniture. The process of selling off all our items has begun and the reality of our soon to be homelessness is setting in.
We are to the point of deciding how many pairs of underwear we are taking (no we aren't selling the extra...although I've heard you can sell anything on eBay. Hmmm.) and trying to figure out how we will wash our clothes. My idea of sending the kids into the hotel bathroom with a washboard and the dirty laundry was rejected. I told them they could dress up in Little House on the Prairie outfits to make it real...rejected even stronger.
It has made us realize what little we really NEED.
We will be taking along 5-7 days of clothes, the kids school stuff, our work stuff, some games, a few movies, workout DVDs, and transplant medications. That's it....for a year. Why did it seem like we needed so much stuff before?
It all seems necessary at the time, doesn't it? Do you want to make someone's day? Take some of your extra stuff and give it to someone that needs it. Extra stuff is such a waste otherwise. Oh, and if you haven't already, please sign up here to give the organs you won't need to someone else after you're gone.
That feels better doesn't it? Helping someone out is a good thing.
Oh, and if you happen to have an old washboard and maybe a bonnet...
- the dad (who doesn't really want a washboard, except on his stomach)
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