Thank You!

Our thanks go out to the YesUtah Coalition for all their work every day saving lives.  We met some great people from the Intermountain Donor Services, The Quest for the Gift of Life Foundation, and many others.

Thank you for the award.  We are humbled and hope we can make a difference as 18 people die every day waiting for an organ donation.  If everyone in the USA registered as an organ donor, they wouldn't have to. will take you to the appropriate place to register as an organ/tissue donor in your state as well as tracking how each state does in the My State Cares! contest. will allow you to track the Greiner's progress across the USA, connect you to their facebook page, and allow you to tell us where to visit, eat, and eventually live in the USA.

Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Greiners,

    Hi--we're Scott and Traci from First, we wanted to apologize for not meeting you while you were here in Utah and to congratulate you on your "Yes" Utah award.

    We own the site, and the blog Scott has had Type 1 diabetes for 25+ years. We write about what it's like being a family with Type 1 diabetes. From my perspective as a spouse, from Scott's perspective living with diabetes, and from our two children's views on what they see.

    We wanted to let you know that we admire all of your efforts and wish you continued luck on your journey. We wish we could've met up with you while you were here.

    We are based here in Utah and saw your award presentation on our local news this morning.

    We'll be reading your blog during your journey...and again thank you!

    Scott & Traci
